And the Winner is…

Got up this morning and sat in my favorite chair with the warm sunshine pouring through my front window, perusing the national and local news sites, trying to make sense of the fallout from yesterday’s election. As expected, the will of the American people leveled the balance of power a bit, meaning the pieces of our political chess match have now been moved around just in time for a new game.

Truth is, I fight a sense of apathy when it comes to politics. All the smiling, waving political hopefuls with their power ties and carefully cultivated images stand before cameras asserting they alone hold the secret to our success…their carefully chosen and pre-planned messages reverberating off the walls and absorbed into the minds and hearts of those desperate for “change.” Tears are shed as these candidates take the stage…fan girls and fan boys hanging on every word of the pseudo-savior whose “courage,” “gumption” and “bravery” are poised to jettison our nation forward into greater prosperity and glory.

Nope…I can’t get onboard with that kind of misplaced and misguided adoration.

One thing we do all agree on…those who govern us are supposed to stand for what is right and true…what is honorable and courageous. The problem: No one knows what those things are anymore! Sorry for yelling…

We have candidates who could not be further apart on the political spectrum who believe with all their heart that all they champion is right and true because the standard by which their beliefs are measured is now so distorted. It’s kind of like Thanos and the Avengers…both sides are willing to die for what they “know” to be “right” even though the visions they pursue could not be more divergent. That kind of disparity breeds offense, confusion and disillusionment because everyone swears to represent what is “right…” even though their messages are starkly and tragically different. What an accurate picture of where we are as a nation.

There is one Standard of Truth by which we should and are measured and to which we will be held accountable…one Standard that has remained unchanged in the face of many cultures and leaders who have risen to power and withered over the past millennia. We are to pursue the Truth set forth by God…the only One qualified to create and adjudicate such a framework. Instead, we now bow at the altars of fallible humans and their ear-tickling, but spiritually bankrupt words and policies.

Last thought…in the face of all this political adoration I referenced, know a mere man or woman is never actually uplifted or praised…only the God or god they choose to represent.

Think about it…I’d love to hear from you!
