Images of the Manger

Set aside the world as you know it on this Christmas Eve/Christmas Day and enter how it was one season long ago. Tenuously step across the threshold of the dilapidated structure of wood, mud and coarse nails…let your eyes adjust to the shadowy silhouettes of two people leaning over a trough, illuminated only by a few flickering torches or candles mixed with the silvery light of the Star spilling through the cracks in the barn wall and roof. Make your way closer to those you behold…look into the tired and travel-wearied eyes of His inexperienced and overwhelmed parents…common people still attempting to wrap their mind around the magnitude of what has come to pass. Without averting your gaze, listen to the shuffling of hooved feet and the random bleets and moos of those that typically frequent this pungent arena…appreciate the primitiveness of your surroundings and contemplate its deep contrast to the heavenly One now sleeping peacefully as its storied centerpiece.

Approach the Babe without words or distraction…marvel at the beauty and innocence of His face poking through the cloths tightly surrounding His newborn frame. Quietly take in the whispered words shared between His mother and earthly father while they marvel at the angelic Promise made manifest.

Piercing the still night air, listen to the crescendo of voices as they approach the barn door. Join these gruff and unkempt visitors as they fall to their knees, joyfully comparing Who they now worship with the exhilarating message previously proclaimed to them by the heavenly hosts. Celebrate the messianic hope that now fills their countenance and enjoy the praises they proclaim to God as they leave the Baby’s side to go on their way as you go yours.

May all of this remain vivid in your mind’s eye long after you’ve looked away from this screen, for there is the connection to your heart and soul. Please don’t allow this message of what is real to be overtaken by all the fabricated traditions and superficial fluff we’re inundated with day in and day out during this season. We set aside Christmas to celebrate the birth of our Savior, knowing that because of that Gift from our Creator, we can be saved from all that would seek to eternally destroy our souls…including ourselves.

Merry CHRISTmas to all of you and your families…

Landon <><