Shhh…Don’t Tell My Pastor…

My family and I took the opportunity to attend a different church yesterday…one that was markedly different than the one we usually attend and (whispering…) I really enjoyed it. O.O I know…you’re saying, “Well, of all the disloyal, rude, and unappreciative…” but hold on…it’s not because there’s anything wrong with the church I usually attend. I think it’s because the church I attended wasn’t the church I usually attend. Read that a few times. 😊

The sanctuary was wider and not as deep as I’m used to…the seats felt different…not bad or uncomfortable, just different. The stage was vast and dotted with wooden-slat Christmas trees, each bathed in vibrant red and green LED floor lights that masked the subdued and empty choir loft behind it. It was beautiful! The people around us were warm and friendly, but vastly unfamiliar. The songs were led by a live band and praise team with a different team member’s pristine solo voice leading each song. The preacher presented his message in a mixture of unfamiliar mannerisms and avenues of expression, inviting us to fill in an outline on the back of the bulletin.  

The entire time we were there, all my senses were working in tandem to absorb the newness of all that was happening. My spirit was catalyzed by what I heard and experienced. God and I had a great time together and I left there feeling energized and refreshed, but I was left wondering…why was this experience so notable? My prayerful conclusion? I’m mired in a bit of complacency…I love where I usually go, but it’s like I’m so used to the status quo of the routine and people there, I tend to be too comfortable. Kind of asleep at the wheel, if you will…

So what did I learn?

–I very much have a spiritual “auto pilot” setting that if I’m not careful, comes on when I enter my church because I “know” the church and am “familiar” with its people and its pastor. Do you have an “auto pilot” setting like that?

–It’s not a bad thing to step away from your home church here and there to regain perspective and re-focus on God because yes, He actually does thrive in churches and even denominations other than yours and mine. (Gasp) If you chose to entertain my challenge, where would you go? What denominations are you curious about? What’s stopping you from stepping outside the four walls of your church? Tell me about it in the comments…would love to hear your thoughts!

If you haven’t lately, take a Sunday to attend a Christian church outside of your comfort zone. It just might wake you up to a different facet of Who our Savior is with the added bonus of  revealing a little more of who you are. Let me know where you venture off to and what you figure out…I’d love to hear about it!


Photo Cred: Kristina Flour via