‘Til Death Do Us Part…

I recently had the opportunity to spend some time with a dear lady whose husband was to pass away soon. As I quietly sat with her in the dimly lit hospital room, our lengthy conversation was full of many tears, some laughter, a whole bunch of Kleenex and lots of precious memories spanning the past 42 years of their marriage. She told me stories of how they met, the places he took her and how he always made her feel like his queen…something she said she will miss and always treasure in her now broken heart. She also told me of how he always prayed for her and prayed over her…an expression of his smitten heart that forever made her feel safe and cared for. But at one point, her trembling words ceased for a few moments. Without a word, she quietly reached across to me and grabbed my hand into hers. She then looked me in the eyes and with tears still streaming down her beautiful aged face, proclaimed she was finally ready…ready to give him back to the same Lord Who gave him to her so many years ago. Her words stunned me with their power and sincerity. I later found out he peacefully passed away that same afternoon with her at his side.

I am still in awe of what I saw and heard in the midst of all she shared with me. She and her husband hold a special place in my heart as a blessed example of what God intended marriage to be…an imperfect union of two imperfect people yes, but an unshakable union consecrated and protected by the love, grace and passion only available from God Himself. He designed marriage to be an unshakable bond…a relationship to be treasured above every other one this Earth has to offer. But how do we view it without death looming over our heads? Is it something we appreciate and invest in or simply take for granted? So many questions could be asked…

My time with this now grieving wife really made me think about my own marriage and the role I live as husband to my own beautiful wife of almost 20 years. What more can I do for her to tell her and show her how much I love and cherish her?

Men, when a chaplain sits with our wives as we lay unresponsive on our death bed, what will our wives say about us? What stories will she have to tell? What is the legacy we leave behind as we slip away from her and into eternity? I hope and I pray her words will paint a portrait of an honorable, loving, God-fearing husband who prayed for and over her. If you’re not sure, this…THIS is the day to begin building that legacy in her eyes and heart.

Have a great week, my friends…

Landon <><

Photo Credit: Daan Stevens via Unsplash.com