WHY: Chapofalltrades, huh?

Ok, ok…I know I kind of generationally branded myself a bit by choosing chapofalltrades (Chaplain of all trades) as my website domain, but after I jotted that name down among many on my scruffy, dog-eared piece of notebook paper, I just couldn’t step away from it. As you probably figured out, it’s supposed to sound similar to “jack of all trades”…a waning term describing someone who has a little expertise in a lot of different things. That’s been God’s calling for me and therefore has colored the story of my life over the past 4-plus decades. Truth is, that peculiar reality is what I find fascinating both about the journey to which God has called me as well as the breadth of my calling as a chaplain and serves as the inspiration for most everything I write.

A chaplain is a minister (oftentimes ordained just like a church pastor) whose congregation lies OUTSIDE the four walls of the church. Instead of in a sancutary, a chaplain’s pulpit may be the end of an unknown cancer patient’s hospital bed or sitting outside the solitary confinement cell of a death row prisoner or even in the locker room of a sports team who is on the road way too many days. Even still, the gospel message of love, hope and encouragement is very much the same as our pastoral counterparts. Chaplains are called to meet people where they are and as such, there are many adventures to be had when the “congregation members” have “home court advantage” instead of the minister.

So anyway, I say all that to say this blog will, little by little, inform you of the puzzle, rough edges and all, that is my life, showing you bits and pieces of all the different places of ministry I’ve found myself and the successes and failures that have accompanied them. I prayerfully hope God will use my imperfection and testimony to inspire and maybe even challenge you in your own walk of faith as you consider or continue pursuing Him. 

Click on the Facebook link on my home page and jot me a message…I would love to start getting to know you and your story!
