Will You Dance With Me?

A couple nights ago, I had some YouTube music videos playing in the background as I worked. Wouldn’t you know it, one of the songs my wife and I “claim” came on. Do you remember ”Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran from a few years ago? Yep, that’s one we like. I stopped what I was doing and simply watched the video of Ed and a woman dancing to the song. Got me thinking…

There is just something about watching a couple who dances beautifully together that captures our attention. It’s mesmerizing, inviting all who observe it to become enraptured by the elements of its presentation. But why? Dance exudes intimacy…a state of being pursued by all of us and appreciated, even coveted, when truly discovered. The intimacy of dance is revealed through the mutual trust and vulnerability openly displayed between man and woman as they circle and intermingle with one another, interacting and communicating to the flow of whatever music is being played.

There are times when the dance draws attention to the strength of man as he gently lifts and holds woman high or tightly holds onto her as she dips low…the power of his arms and legs yielding movements and expressions that are aggressive and protective, yet resolutely controlled as he caresses and supports the one he so highly values. He often serves as woman’s foundation on and with which she may perform feats of great and amazing wonder, whether he holds her above his head, tosses her into the air or pulls her back into his arms. His strength is captivating to her…its closeness, rawness and security necessary and appreciated by the woman with whom he dances. He is powerful to her.

There are other times though, when the dance showcases woman’s beauty and grace as she twirls, moves and “speaks” through her flowing storyline of creative and emotional expression. She too has been granted great strength and agility, translating what is so complex into sublime and resplendent choreography that leave man and anyone else observing in awe. She is free and uninhibited in her movements, inspired by the connection she pursues and enjoys with the man who is her partner. Her elegance and poise give expression to what man cannot, creating a closeness for which man hungers and through which he is encouraged and inspired. Her beauty, strength and heart captivates him. She is powerful to him.

I say all this alluding to dancing, but it’s so much bigger than that. Dancing is also a metaphor for marriage. Let me re-word my first sentence to make it more clear…

**There is just something about watching a couple who are beautifully married together that captures our attention.**

Having said that, go back and read this post again, understanding these same words greatly apply to marriage. Be encouraged and challenged by what you read…be the dance partner your husband/wife wants and needs you to be.

Landon <><

Photo by Priscilla du Preeze via Unsplash.com