Window, Window on the Wall…

I’ve now been working at a part time job for a little over a month and I’ve finally discovered my favorite place on this entire colossal campus. It’s not the porch swings that dot the landscape near the human Foosball court (yes, they have one of those!) or even the brightly-colored preschool playground that always seems to be bustling with pretend superheroes and squealing games of tag.

Instead, the place I love to go and just dwell at lunch or after the tasks are done is right here…a darkened room illuminated only by rectangular portals of light to the outside (yes, I mean windows!). I can sit here (much like I’m doing now), eat my food, and marvel at life as it goes by. Minivans sequentially careen past each of the windows, stately horses slowly lumber by across the street and I’ve even fallen in love with a beautiful cardinal whose peck, peck, pecking on the window almost everyday just makes everything seem alright.

I’ve been curious, though, as to why something as drab and unassuming as this place has become so meaningful to me and the only conclusion that resonates with my heart is just that…its drab and unassuming.

I love to read about and experience the stories of God’s mighty power as He heals disease and broken relationships, as His dazzling handiwork is displayed in the dusk skyline or as His voice is encapsulated in the contagious laughter of a little boy on the playground. Those mind-blowing displays of how extraordinary He is befuddles my senses, intriguing me well past simple fascination. But sitting here in the cool darkness is different than that. Here, I have the chance to sit and just witness life with no strings attached…to witness Him not as the extraordinary God He is but as the everyday God He is as well. That speaks mightily to me because I’m an everyday person.

This place is sacred to me because He dutifully meets me here each day while I get lost in the nothingness of all that is happening outside. I feel Him arrive with no agenda…no demands…no words. Instead, He comes just to sit with me…to be with me. I can feel Him right here and I can’t describe the impact it has on me day after day…even typing those words mists my eyes with tears.

I need to get back to work, but I encourage you to find Him in the simple, unassuming places you might assume He’d never be…I’ve learned He’ll meet you there and it will change your day and probably your life.
