Fatherhood Defined

Happy Father’s Day, dads! Guess what I got you? Yep…a tree! Consider this as you celebrate today:

–You are called to stand tall reaching toward God in Heaven, giving your children someone to not only literally, but spiritually look up to. Seek to be larger than life in their eyes as a result of your pursuit of Him. You are to be a reflection of the Most High in every circumstance and season that your sons and daughters may learn what their heavenly Father is like by watching you. To accomplish this, you must follow His ways and not your own.

–You are called to cast the shadow of your branches far and wide, offering not only your own children, but all children under your protective wing shelter from the frightening storms and shade from the searing heat. You are to be a bastion of safety and a source of protection for young souls who gather all around you…a place of refreshment and refinement. To accomplish this, you must follow His ways and not your own.

–You are called to bear much fruit throughout the fleeting season of your children’s formative years, providing them nourishment and sustenance in all aspects of their growth. By the example you lay before them, lead your son in how to be a man and lead your daughter in what to eventually look for in a man. To accomplish this, you must follow His ways and not your own.

–One last thing…situate yourself among other mighty trees. Surround yourself with men who pursue the same godly mission in their own family. The only thing more powerful than one mighty tree is a forest of mighty trees who together with singular purpose, form a canopy over their children. BUT…if no one around you shares your mission, stand tall and spread your arms wide anyway that you may serve as a fatherly influence to all in your radius. In the absence of their own source of example, protection and nourishment, the children of others will come to you, drawn by God’s Presence within you.

May you be reminded of these things every time you see a big, powerful tree. Enjoy your day, my friend.

Landon <><