Defining a Dad…

father and child s hands together

Big day today, fellas. Here’s a not so subtle reminder of what moms and kids so badly want to celebrate about us….

“Don’t settle for being strong at what doesn’t last and weak at what does.” –Craig Groeschel.

PASSIONATELY LOVE your wife, pursuing her both with life-giving words and purposeful sacrifice, continually assuring her of her value in your eyes not only for the sake of your beloved, but for all others who bear witness.

PURPOSEFULLY INVEST in the lives of your children and all the little ones God has placed under your protective wing, that each of them may thrive in the safety and security provided within your shadow. 

UNAPOLOGETICALLY LEAD those around you by your words and example as you pursue honor, mercy and justice….even when no one else will. 

In other words…

Be. A. Man. Happy Father’s Day to those giving it their all…

Landon <><