Mopping the Floor, Cleaning My Soul…

Wow…so this is week 2 of a custodian gig I’m working and I have to say, I’ve really enjoyed it so far. I get to wear a t-shirt and jeans to work, am blessed to wear a ball cap on my noggin and as I take care of my daily tasks, I can even listen to my iPod. Gives me a chance to be an introvert for a bit. Not bad, eh?

Last week, I started my janitorial journey inspired by a smattering (vocab word of the day for you) of different entertainment choices on my iPod as I put up and tore down what seemed like a 200,000 tables and chairs. All the “noise” was fun for awhile, but by day 3, I experienced what I would call “auditory fatigue” and resorted to working without anything pumping through the earbuds. Problem is that drove me bonkers too. What’s a custodian-wannabe like me to do?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?

So, I tried something revolutionary…I stepped away from music, from the allure of perpetual ESPN Sportscenter podcasts, and even from the droning on of commercial-saturated Christmas radio stations (ugh), instead seeking out opportunities to learn something as I worked…to sharpen the sword, if you will. I invited folks like Tim Keller, Mike Clarensau and even Francis Chan to hang out with me while I’m changing out trash bags in the 2.5 million little trashcans throughout the sizable kingdom I serve. Since then, I’ve noticed that as I re-focused what I asked my ears to absorb, I can feel a difference as my mind and soul are no longer simply gliding along, numbed by hovering on auto pilot.

These same days while pushing a mop bucket brimming with fresh pine-scented water, I’ve given thought to what I perceive God’s expectations are for His men. They seem to be in stark contrast to the way our culture conditions us to mindlessly prostrate ourselves before any and every product or movement placed in front of us or to dwell in the numbness of bingeing on that which is exhilarating, but ultimately empty.

In other words, we choose to revel in holding onto what is easy instead of pursuing what is not. Not casting a stone though…I’m right there with you. It took me three days of absorbing non-stop “entertainment” to realize there HAS TO BE MORE. My mind and heart need to be sharpened, not entertained…my soul needs to be challenged and cultivated, not lulled to sleep. That is part of my God-given calling as a man, a husband, a father and a chaplain. I believe it’s yours too…

So, men… tomorrow morning, why not feed your mind and soul some proverbial bacon, eggs and fruit instead of pop-tarts, a cinnamon roll and doughnuts? The latter may be sweeter to the masculine palate, but unfortunately, it only represents what you WANT. Sadly, it’s not even close to what you NEED to be the man of God your wife, your children and your friends NEED you to be.

Pursue and devour something that sharpens the sword of your soul…for that honorable pursuit is a vital and challenging part of being a man.

Blessings to your day…


Photo credit: Oliver Hale via