What is God’s New Year’s Resolution for 2020?

A long time ago, God supernaturally set a whole bunch of people free from the chains of bondage in the name of exchanging that cursed life in Egypt for a freedom and relationship with Him they had never experienced. Yes!

But, would you believe there were people who believed the journey to this new place and new life was so challenging and uncertain, they thought it was better to go back to the slavery and oppression? Nooo!

2019 may have been that uber-tough, just plain nasty ball of addiction, depression, and slavery to all things unholy in your life or the life of your family…a year you wish never would have happened. ☹ But did you know the same God Who supernaturally rescued those millions of people back in the day doesn’t want you to have to stay there again in 2020? He is poised to lead you out of the frustration and sadness of what last year represented into the newness and promise of 2020…if you’re willing to follow Him out of where you’ve been. Easy? Not always! Worth the journey? Always!!

But how? Let’s talk…

#Hewantstoleadyou #Hewantstoloveyou #LetHimbreakthecycle

Landon <><

Photo Cred: Melanie Magdalena via Unsplash