Happy Almost New Year’s!!

Well, friends…this is it! 2021 is now just over 4 hours from officially becoming a series of memories in your heart…one more chapter coming to a close in the best-selling story of your life.

For some, this has been a year of plenty…one brimming with blessing and the excitement of new discovery and achievement.

But, for others, the demise of 2021 could not come fast enough as it presented many intense challenges and inflicted many wounds. So where does that leave us? A quote for your consideration…

“A man often foregoes the triumphs and blessings that God wishes to set before him in the days to come because his attention remains on that which is behind him, dwelling amongst the mistakes and indiscretions for which he harbors regret.” –Landon Todd

Please don’t be that way…I know “hindsight is 20/20” and represents a perspective from which we may learn many things, but an unbalanced focus on what we wish we could do over or even undo, limits our ability to experience life as it is supposed to be lived.

Definitely use this last day of 2021 to seek forgiveness from God and from people for the not so “bright and shiny” things you did, said or thought, but then turn back around, leaving those things behind and behold the new journey God illuminates in front of you with the beginning of this new year. Life’s peaks are much more enjoyable and the valleys much more bearable when we see them coming (looking ahead) instead of reacting to them after they’ve already gone by (looking behind).

Have a great New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day tomorrow…my family and I wish you the best!

Landon <><